Reiki Level 1 ~ Aug 7-8
You will receive one of the greatest gifts...the tool to heal and balance yourself with Reiki energy. This is an important step in coming closer to yourself and an essential tool before you share Reiki with others. As you receive the ability to pass Reiki energy, you will experience and learn how to give sessions to others as well. This workshop incorporates different kinds of meditation, partner work, sharing circles and lectures. ($275)
Reiki Level 2 ~ Jul 31-Aug 1
In this 2 day workshop, you receive the symbols of Reiki. The symbols are like energetic keys that open the possibility to connect with specific healing tools, such as healing the past, distance healing and working more accurately on the emotional body. You will expand your understanding and capacity to share Reiki energy. ($275)
Reiki Level 3 ~ Aug 14-15
You will learn one of the greatest miracles of Reiki...the initiation process. The initiation gives you the ability to pass Reiki to other people, so that they too can utilize Reiki as a healing tool. In level 3 you will also receive several powerful symbols and further expand the capacity to contain life force and transmit Reiki energy. ($375)